Thursday, August 01, 2019

Kind Hearts and Coronets - Film Festival 2019

So this one was a bit of a random choice for film festival viewing.  A 1949 Ealing comedy it is the story of a young man whose mother comes from an aristocratic family who marries a travelling singer and is disowned by her family.  When the son realizes that his only way to claim the dukedom is to murder the eight family members ahead of him. 

A black comedy there was quite a bit of laughter at both the story and sniggers at a lot of the silliness of the movie itself.  There were a couple of uses of an inappropriate word in the movie that are cringeworthy and nasty,  and the behaviour of the young Sibella seemed inappropriate to a modern viewer.  3.5/5 

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

An excellent movie! I love the old Ealing comedies. They really made Guinness's name.