Friday, August 09, 2019

This Changes Everything - Film Festival 2019

This movie was a pleasant surprise , and I think it got the approval from the whole audience that watched it today.   It explores the lack of female representation on film and tv, not only on the screens, but the lack of writers, camera people, writers, directors and producers.   As 50 % of the population, many movies and films will show 72% of the screen time to men and women are often only shown as wives and girlfriends.  Lots of the facts shown were surprising in how many times we are under represented and our stories are suppressed and not made but instead we are subjected to hundreds of action car chases, guns, violence and super heroes. 

Hats off to Geena Davis , she is one smart cookie and her work is helping to change attitudes even though it is at a slow pace.  When many of the large movie studios have been slow to react it is someone like Reese Witherspoon who has stepped up to tell the stories that women want to see.   A worthy watch - it even made me a little teary at the end!  5/5

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

Since the majority of movie-goers are women, they have the power to do something about the inequality. I think the trouble is that quite often, female audience members want to see men in the leads in movies just as much as male audience members do.