Saturday, August 10, 2019

Middle Aged Lady Movie Night - The Well-Digger's Daughter

It is cool and wet in our city tonight with thunder and lightening, so watching this movie set in the rural French countryside in summer made me feel better about what was going on outside.  Patricia is the beautiful daughter of the local well digger.  She meets the handsome pilot Jacques and of course they fall in love, but war separates them. 

I'm not sure what it is with my fascination with the second world war at the moment, but I find myself seeking out movies and books with similar themes.  Maybe with all the social media, and news 24/7, and botoxed 20 year olds on every tv show I am seeking out simpler times, where love stories are a bit more innocent and less complicated.  Anyways from my middle aged lady couch - 4/5.

1 comment:

John Bellen said...

Yes, times that were more straightforward. I sometimes joke that those were the good old days, when people had only to deal with a global depression and a world war...